April 25, 2017 | Sean Holmesby and Jacqueline Baxter
Each and every feature in TDS Classic is aimed at helping developers. Whether the feature is out front or running quietly in the background the goal is always the same: make the development experience better.
TweetApril 20, 2017 | Angel Uzunov
Feydra virtualizes all front end assets (css, js & cshtml) of a Sitecore instance. With Feydra, front-end developers can commit their changes to Source Control without requiring the intervention of a back-end developer. We call it a virtual sandbox.
TweetApril 13, 2017 | Angel Uzunov
Answering a number of excellent questions we've gotten from the community regarding Feydra, including how long it takes to set up a Feydra environment and how to install the product.
TweetApril 11, 2017 | Sean Holmesby and Jacqueline Baxter
Each version of TDS Classic comes with the same goal: to make Sitecore development and, by extension, developers, lives easier. Every feature in our products is aimed at making the process better - some of these features aren't quite as well-known as others, but they all help smooth and improve the development experience.
TweetApril 04, 2017 | Tom Kamin
When working with TDS Classic, you will eventually need to deploy your items to a Sitecore instance and you might not want the default behavior of every item in your TDS project deploying every time. This is where the TDS Sitecore Deployment Property Manager comes in!
TweetMarch 30, 2017 | Keith Bauer
Feydra allowed me to start building the front-end in a very short time with no Sitecore experience, and it let me use tools that I was comfortable and familiar with.