
TDS Classic goes to Australia

July 17, 2019 | Hedgehog

Sean Holmesby is Hedgehog’s Solution Architect and works remotely from New York City. He has received the Sitecore Technology MVP Award for the sixth consecutive year. He will be presenting at SUGCON ANZ.

What is the title of your presentation?
The Best Hidden Features in TDS Classic
What’s a quick synopsis of your presentation? 
I will be showcasing the best features of TDS Classic that developers may not be aware they exist. The idea is having users getting more out of TDS Classic by switching on the parts that can allow them to become more efficient with their Sitecore development. 

It’s a talk for the Advanced Sitecore developer that wants to take their development speed up a notch.

What inspired you to choose this topic? 
I’ve always been an advocate for TDS Classic, even before working for Hedgehog. Through chatting with developers, I’ve often found that people don’t know about the more advanced features that could be helping them. Often, they’ve had gripes with other tools or became frustrated with their processes, not knowing that there was a feature in TDS Classic that could’ve helped them.

I hope this talk can get them over those hurdles, and make sure they get the most out of the tool. 

Is there one feature of TDS Classic you’re most excited to share with Sitecore community? 
The Field Level Merge feature is probably my favourite, but probably not the most commonly used/needed. I think it’s an amazingly brilliant and useful way of solving merge conflicts that people have overlooked for far too long.
What about SUGCON ANZ 2019 are you most excited about? 
Getting to speak at a conference in my homeland. I’m going to try to sneak in a bit of subtle Aussie humor like spelling words using the Queen’s English instead of America’s version of the language. Such as, using a ‘u’ in words that SHOULD have it…as I have done with the answers to these questions. 😊 
Are there any presentations/speakers that you are excited about? 
They all look great. I’m always excited to hear my old mate, Rob Earlam give a presentation - partially because he has great content, and partially because of the challenge of understanding his Mancunian accent. I also look forward to the talks from the AKQA speakers, Ray Rahadian and Gitesh Shah, with their presentation on Docker. It’s an area I’m still learning, and I think it has great potential.
As a Native Australian, what’s your number 1 tip to anyone who hasn’t visited Australia before? 
Definitely go see an Australian Rules Football game. It’s an unbelievable sport, and my team (the St.Kilda Saints) will be playing in Sydney the weekend before SUGCON. So, come watch me go nuts cheering on my team!
Are there any local spots that you recommend visiting before leaving Australia? 
In Sydney, you definitely need to check out the tourist attractions (Sydney Harbour Bridge, Sydney Opera House, Bondi Beach), but if you have any extra time, you should definitely check out Melbourne (my hometown) for the sports, shopping, cafes, and live music scenes. If you have even more time, head up to the Great Barrier Reef and snorkel there. It’s phenomenal, and you might also get to swim with a shark. Don’t worry, that’s just Bruce. He’s fine - G’Day Bruce!

Sean will be presenting “
The Best Hidden Features in TDS Classic” on Tuesday, August 27 at 1:00 PM at SUGCON ANZ 2019. You can connect with him on Twitter or LinkedIn. 

SUGCON ANZ SUGCON TDS Classic TDS TDS 5.8 Sean Holmesby

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