May 23, 2017 | Kliment Klimentov
What is the Sitecore Deploy Folder?
It's a setting, located in the build tab of the TDS Project's Properties page. It's used to tell TDS where the webroot is located, so TDS can install its service (the Sitecore connector) and know where to deploy the files from the Web Project, if that's necessary.
Why do developers need it?
This setting is one of the most important, because without it TDS Classic won't know where to install its connector, which is used for syncing items from the Sitecore database. Additionally, if the setting isn't set TDS won't know where the files should be deployed after build.
How to use it:
The Sitecore Deploy Folder should point to the webroot of the website. This could be a network share, or a local folder, but it can't be mapped network share with drive letter. Note that the user, running Visual Studio (and TDS Classic) needs read and write permissions to this location, so TDS Classic can copy and access its service and deploy files.
When not to use it:
When TDS Classic won't deploy directly, the Sitecore Deploy Folder should be left blank. This is commonly used for build configurations where TDS Classic is creating Sitecore .update packages with items and files. Leaving this setting blank will make TDS Classic skip installing the connector during build.
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