March 15, 2017 | Kliment Klimentov
NuGet packages make things easier for the developers because they make the initial setup of the project easier. It’s simpler to manage a package than a bunch of third-party files and their locations or to install programs on every environment. NuGet packages also save time if the same package needs to be installed in many different projects. Moving through different version of the package is also easier, since the packages are automatically downloaded from the NuGet repository and installed into the project. Using NuGet packages also make possible to build 2 different TDS Classic projects, using two different versions of TDS Classic and makes installing TDS Classic on the build server unnecessary
The HedgehogDevelopment.TDS NuGet Package allows you to build TDS Classic projects, without the need of installed TDS Classic on the build server machine. The package contains all the components required to successfully build a TDS Classic Project.
You can find the HedgehogDevelopment.TDS NuGet Package in the archive, containing the TDS Classic installers, under the NuGetPackages folder.
The NuGet package needs to be added to a local (or shared NuGet repository), which is nothing more than a folder, containing all NuGet packages which will be used by you, or your team. The NuGet repositories are managed from:
Tools -> Options -> NuGet Package Manager -> Package Sources.
The configuration is simple: In the Source textbox, paste the path to the folder, containing the NuGet Packages you are about to use and in the Name textbox enter a meaningful name for the new repository.
The next step is to install the NuGet packages to the projects from:
Right click on the Solution -> Manage NuGet Packages for Solution
The HedgehogDevelopment.TDS Classic NuGet Package needs to be installed in every TDS Classic Project in the solution.
After the installation process is finished, you'll be prompted to restart Visual Studio. After the restart, the changes are ready to be checked-in.
On the build server you need to configure a NuGet restore/installer step, which will extract the packages, included in the Solution. It's important for this step to be executed before the MS Build step, so the build components, required for successful TDS Classic project build, are available.